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Due to the high demand for places at Sports Plus we want to provide all young people with an equal opportunity to secure a place and so, as well as adding increased capacity, we are altering the booking process for all Sports Plus camps in 2025.
Once bookings open there will be a 7-day window for forms to be completed and we will not start allocating places until after this window.
For each camp, all bookings received in the 7-day window will be split by age, sex and sport. If bookings received for a specific group exceed the number of places available then places will be offered via a random selection process.
How long does the booking window remain open?
The booking window will be open for 7-days from Monday 20th January (1pm) to Monday 27th January (9am).
How will the random selection process work?
For each camp, all bookings received within these 7 days will be split into groups based on sport, age and sex. We have a set number of places for each group and if the bookings exceed this number then places will be offered via a random selection process. For example, if we have 14 senior boy football places and 18 have booked, we will select 14 names at random from this group of 18. The remaining four would be put on the waiting list and offered another camp if appropriate. However, if we have 10 senior girls spaces for tennis and we receive 8 booking forms no random selection process will be required.
If I submit my booking as soon as bookings open am I more likely to get a place than if I submit it the following day?
No – the time you submit the booking form within the 7-day window will have no bearing on the likelihood of your child securing a place. All bookings will be treated equally regardless of what time they were submitted.
Can I submit a form after the 7-day booking window?
Yes – forms can be submitted after the booking window closes. In this case places will be allocated on a first come first served basis for any remaining spaces or added to the waiting list.
Can I submit a form for more than one camp?
On the booking form there will be an option to indicate if you would consider another camp should you not secure a place on your first choice. Remaining places will then be offered to anyone suitable who has indicated that camp as their second choice.
How will I know if I have a place?
Bookings will be confirmed via email by the end of the day on Friday 31st January. This email will outline whether the young person has secured a place or is on the waiting list. The Sports Plus Team may be in touch during this period if they require any further information to process your booking. Please note this contact does not mean the young person has definitely been given a place.
I have three children. What if two secure a place in the random select process but the third one doesn’t?
Families will be offered places as one entity, so if one child gets a place, then all siblings will too. However all the siblings’ forms must have been completed within the 7-day window.
My daughter is coming with a friend who won’t come if my daughter doesn’t. Can they be considered as one entity?
Unlike siblings, we are unable to view friendship groups as one entity and so cannot guarantee all friends will secure a place. This reflects the previous first come first served booking process where we could not guarantee all those in a friendship group will receive a place.
I’ve been offered a place for my child but their friend hasn’t got one. Do I have to accept my place?
No – when you receive your confirmation email you have 10 days to either accept the place offered by paying the deposit or respond in writing to withdraw your booking.
I’m serving at Sports Plus as a leader. What if my child doesn’t get a place?
The children of all those serving on the leaders’ team will be guaranteed a place in light of their parent/guardians’ involvement.
With the increased capacity at Belfast are day places still an option?
Yes - we are still offering a limited number of day places at all three Belfast weeks for those whose preference is a day place.
If I do not secure a residential place at Belfast will I still have the option of being offered a day place?
No - with the increased capacity across the three camps we are removing the option to offer day places as an alternative if a young person is not offered a residential place. They can however still select a day place as their preference.
Why are you altering the booking process for Sports Plus 2025?
We’re aware that the demand for places at Sports Plus has outweighed the capacity over the last few years and this has lead to a stressful opening night experience for many, with some who log on to book at 7pm sharp still being unable to secure a place. The current first come first served system also disadvantages those who are booking on more than one young person as it takes longer to complete multiple forms.
We have implemented a similar random selection process for Belfast Sports Plus over the past two years and are now amending this process and rolling it out across all camps.
At Belfast Sports Plus we have implemented a zoned waiting list. Please read on for more information on how this process will work.
How does the zone waiting list work?
All those who were unsuccessful in gaining a place in the 7-day booking window have been randomly assigned a waiting list zone. Any bookings received after the initial booking window will be added to the bottom zone in the order they completed a booking form.
Each zone contains 10 young people (i.e. zone A is 1-10, zone B is 11-20 and so on). If a place becomes available we will offer this to someone in zone A and everyone else will move one place up the list. This will result in some young people progressing into the zone above.
How do I know if my young person progresses into a higher zone?
We will send waiting list updates via email in the first week of each month which will inform you of any changes in zones.
How will I know if a place becomes available?
If a place becomes available for your young person we will be in touch via email to offer this to you. At this stage you can accept the place or decide to decline it.
I have two children on the waiting list, will they always be in the same zone?
Yes, we will keep siblings together in zones as we want to be able to offer places to all siblings rather than just one.
Why have you implemented this system?
We need to ensure there is a balance of boys/girls, juniors/seniors, residential/day and a balance of sports at each camp. Therefore, if someone cancels we need to fill the space with a like for like replacement. For example, if a junior boy residential footballer cancels we need to replace them with a junior boy residential footballer, rather than replacing them with the first person on the waiting list who might be a senior girl residential hockey player.
If we worked on a system of 1st junior boy, 2nd junior boy, 3rd junior boy etc and a place became available it could be that it’s actually the 4th junior boy who gets the place as they are the top person that meets the same criteria as the cancellation. By working in zones we will fill the place with the individual who meets the criteria from within the highest zone.
There are a limited number of places available on the training programmes (Trainee Leaders/Coaches and Development Squad) at each camp and so we are introducing an application window which enables us to ensure the most suitable individuals are offered places. Once applications open there will be a four-week window for forms to be completed. During this time we will begin to process applications, including contacting referees, however we will not start offering places until after this window. Places will be offered based on suitability, including information provided by referees, not on a first come first served basis.
How long does the application window remain open?
The application window will be open for four weeks (1pm on Mon 13th Jan to 1pm on Mon 10th Feb) and all applications received in this time will be considered for a place on either programme.
If I submit my application as soon as they open am I more likely to get a place than if I submit it the following week?
No – the time you submit the application form within the four-week window will have no bearing on the likelihood of you securing a place. All bookings will be treated equally regardless of what time they were submitted.
Can I submit an application form after the four-week application window?
Yes – forms can be submitted after the application window closes. At this stage applications will continue to be processed and suitable applicants will be offered any remaining places on a first come first served basis or added to the waiting list.
How will I know if I have a place on one of the training programmes?
Applications will be confirmed via email by the end of February. This email will outline details of the next steps; including the process for completing relevant police checks.
What happens if my application is not successful?
Individuals which are not successful will be offered places, if appropriate, on the waiting list or at another camp.
What time does Sports Plus start and finish?
Registration is between 4-5pm on the Sunday and we will finish at 4pm on the Friday. Parents/guardians are invited to come a little earlier on the Friday and watch the last Team Challenge, which begins at 2.45pm, to see a glimpse of what the young people have been doing throughout the week.
We cannot arrive/depart between the designated times?
If the young person needs to arrive/depart early/late please email
sportsplus@christiansinsport.org.uk to notify Christians in Sport staff and to make suitable arrangements.
Can the young person be collected from the train station?
No. Christians in Sport are unable to arrange collection from stations to the Sports Plus site. Young people must make their own way to the school from the station. Please see below the list of closest train stations to each venue.
Belfast: Sydenham (2.5miles), Titanic Quarter (5miles)
Brecon: Abergavenny (23miles)
Giggleswick: Giggleswick (1mile), Settle (1mile)
Perth: Perth (10miles)
Monkton: Bath Spa (2.8miles)
Repton: Willington (1.5miles), Burton-on-Trent (5miles), Derby (10miles)
Can the young person be collected from the airport?
We can in exceptional circumstances arrange transport from airports. If the young person is travelling by plane please contact the office to discuss the possibility of transport from the airport to the school site.
How do I know if there are places available on the Sports Plus of my choice?
The availability at each camp will be shown on both the Sports Plus page of the Christians in Sport website and on the booking site. If spaces are limited please submit your booking form as soon as possible as we cannot guarantee a place in this case.
What if there is no space on the Sports Plus of my choice?
If you complete the booking form we can add the young person to the waiting list for that Sports Plus and we will then be in touch should a space become available. We can also book them onto their second-choice camp, while they remain on the waiting list, and be in touch if a place becomes available on their first choice.
What if there is space at the Sports Plus of my choice but not for the sport of my choice?
Please contact the office to discuss whether another sport is an option for the young person. If this is possible then the young person can also be added to the waiting list for their preferred sport and switch across should a place become available. Please note young people must also be playing their second-choice sport for a club or team.
Why is there only space for certain sports at the Sports Plus of my choice?
We need to ensure that the number of young people booked for each sport enables the coaches to run quality coaching sessions to help the young people develop in their sport; if numbers are too high or too low this isn't possible. We set maximum limits on each sport, based on the facilities and number of coaches, and once the maximum is reached we are unable to accept any more bookings for that sport.
Why has the sport of my choice been cancelled?
As well as setting maximum numbers for each sport we set minimum numbers to ensure the coaches can run viable coaching sessions. For example, we cannot run a rugby/hockey/netball/football session for only eight young people, of differing ages and abilities. As a result if we do not receive sufficient bookings for a certain sport we may be required to cancel that sport and offer those booked an alternative option. If they do not wish to accept an alternative sport or camp a full refund will be given.
How do I book more than one young person onto Sports Plus?
On completion of the first booking form, a pop-up box will appear, to book another participant click 'Register another participant' and repeat the process again until you have completed the booking form for all the young people you wish to book. Once you have completed the final form click 'Checkout' to confirm and process the booking. For further information on the full bookings process please click here.
How will I know if my booking has been successful?
Once you have completed the online form you will receive an automated email confirming receipt of the form. We aim to be in touch within two weeks after the booking window closes to confirm if the booking has been successful. We may be in touch sooner if we require any further information to process the booking.
I booked two young people onto Sports Plus but only received one confirmation email. Have you received both booking forms?
If you complete two or more bookings in the same order you will only receive one order confirmation email, but we will have received all the forms. To double check this the automated order confirmation will also indicate how many forms we received. Please note this email will always be in the name of the account holder and not the young people who have been booked on.
What age must my young person be to come to Sports Plus?
Sports Plus is for young people in the following school years in January 2025:
Year 7 to Year 12 (England & Wales)
Year 8 to Year 13 (Northern Ireland)
P7 to S5 (Scotland)
If a young person falls within these school years in the country where they attend school, then they can attend any of the other camps. For example - someone who attends school in England and is in year 7 can attend Sports Plus in England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland.
All young people must be aged 17 or under for the duration of the week. If they are 18 before the start of camp they must apply for the trainee programme. If they turn 18 during the week please contact the office to discussion options further.
Can I reserve a place for my young person?
No. Unfortunately we cannot reserve places for young people.
What if I need to cancel my young person’s booking?
More information on the cancellation policy for summer 2025 will be provided at the point of requesting payment.
When will I receive further details such as kit list and direction?
We will send out an information pack in June and this will include all the details you will need for Sports Plus, including a kit list and directions.
How do I access the Bursary Fund?
The Sports Plus Bursary Fund is available to anyone who needs avail of it. We do not have a set criteria for this and do not ask for proof of income/benefits. You simply select the rate you wish to pay on the booking form and this is all we will ask for when requesting payment. Payment in instalments can also be arranged by contacting the office.
Can I pay using childcare vouchers?
No. We are unable to accept childcare vouchers as payment for Sports Plus.
Do I need to pay when I complete the online form?
No. Payment is not required when making the booking. We will confirm the young person's place within two weeks of the booking window closing and ask you to confirm you wish to accept the place. Payment will then be requested at this stage.
Can I pay with a credit/debit card?
Payment can be made online via credit/debit card and details will be provided on how to do this when we request payment. Unfortunately, we cannot take payment over the phone.
How can I make a donation to the Sports Plus Bursary Fund?
If you have indicated you wish to donate to the Bursary Fund on the booking form this amount will automatically be added to your balance and you can pay this online.
Do I have an outstanding balance?
Please log into your account via our website and click the 'Pay for Sports Plus' button along the top and this will show your outstanding balance. Alternatively, email sportsplus@christiansinsport.org.uk or contact the office on 01869 255630 to confirm any outstanding balance.
Can I pay in installments?
Yes - payments can be made in installments over a period of 5 months.
Who is Sports Plus aimed at?
Sports Plus is for young people who are serious about sport and play regularly in a club or school team. There is over five hours of sport a day and we want to ensure that young people have the stamina to meet the demands of the week, enabling them to progress in their sport.
What if the young person does not play for a club or team?
If the young person does not play regularly in a club or school team we will contact the parent/guardian to discuss whether Sports Plus is a suitable camp for the young person. In some cases we may request a reference from a coach/PE teacher to support their booking and assist us in making a decision on the suitability of Sports Plus for the young person.
My young person's main sport isn’t offered at Sports Plus, can they still attend?
Please contact the office to discuss if another sport would be a suitable option.
Can the young person change their sport after their booking has been confirmed?
This is usually possible but is dependent on the number of spaces remaining for the sport they would like to change to. If you would like to change sport please contact the office to discuss whether this is possible.
Will the young person get to try other sports outside of their main sport?
The young people will receive two hours coaching in their main sport each morning and another two hours coaching in a different sport each afternoon. There will be a wider range of afternoon sport choices and the young people choose these each day at Sports Plus.
My young person has selected rugby as his main sport. Should they bring other equipment such as a tennis racket or hockey stick?
The young people need to bring all their own equipment for their main sport. Further details on the specific sports on offer in the afternoons will be provided in the information pack sent in June. This will also outline any equipment required for second sport (e.g. tennis racket, hockey stick)
My young person is carrying an injury. Can they still come to Sports Plus?
Young people must be fit to play to attend Sports Plus. Small adjustments can be made to accommodate young people, if necessary, however they must be able to take part in the majority of the sessions. If a young person is severely restricted due to injury please contact the office to discuss whether we will be able to accept them onto Sports Plus.
How are the young people divided into teams?
Young people are divided into single sex teams, based on age, for accommodation, meals, small group Bible studies and Team Challenge. Generally junior teams are those who have just finished Y7-Y9 (Eng & Wal), Y8-10 (NI) or P7-S2 (Scot) and seniors those who have just finished Y10-12 (Eng & Wal), Y11-13 (NI) or S3-S5 (Scot). However please note this is subject to change depending on the breakdown of young people attending that camp.
Can my young person be in the same team as a friend?
On the booking form young people can request to be in the same team as a friend of the same sex and similar age. We try our best to accommodate young people in the team of their choice, with a maximum of three grouped together in the same team, however we cannot guarantee this in every case.
Do many young people come on their own?
There are a number of young people who attend Sports Plus without knowing anyone else. We try our best to ensure that those who attend on their own are in the same team as other young people who attend alone. Once in a team with others we find that young people settle and get to know others quite quickly.
Where are Sports Plus camps held?
All the camps are held at boarding schools. Accommodation is in school boarding houses with separate houses for boys and girls. All meals are provided in the school dining hall by the school catering staff.
What facilities will be used for sport?
Designated sports facilities will be used for all sport. Facilities are generally on the school site however some require off-site travel, such as athletics tracks. If off-site travel is necessary all drivers and vehicles are fully insured for this purpose.
My young person has specific dietary requirements. Can the school cater for him/her?
Any special dietary requirements included on the booking form will be passed onto the school catering staff who should be able to provide suitable alternatives for the young person as necessary. If in the unlikely event that they cannot cater for the young person, or they require further details, we will be in touch to discuss this further and in some cases request a photo of the young person.
Can young people share a room with their friends?
Young people are accommodated in rooms/corridors with young people from their team. Rooms range from single rooms to larger dorms depending on the school and boarding house. If young people are in the same team, they will either share a room or be along the same corridor as others in their teams. However, we will not know which boarding house each team will be accommodated in until much closer to the time so we cannot guarantee at this stage that they can be in a room together as the team may be in single rooms.
What does a typical day at Sports Plus look like?
Below is the typical timetable of a day at Sports Plus, however times may vary slightly between venues based on mealtimes set by the schools.
7.45am - Quiet Time
8.00am - Morning Jog (A short jog and an aerobics session to kick off the day)
8.15am - Breakfast
9.10am - Morning Meeting (A more laid-back whole camp meeting with a chance to look at the theme of the week)
10.00am - First Sport (2 hours of coaching in the young person's chosen sport)
12.15pm - Lunch
1.30pm - Team Meeting (A short time for teams to gather together and unpack the theme of the week as a small group)
2.00pm - Second Sport (2 hours of coaching in a sport of the young person's choice which varies day to day)
4.15pm - Team Challenge (Games where teams of a similar age compete against each other throughout the week)
5.15pm - Free Time
6.00pm - Dinner
6.45pm - Free Time
7.30pm - Evening Meeting (An energetic meeting of the whole camp with music, games, singing and a chance to further explore the theme of the week)
9.00pm - Team Time
9.45pm - Lights Out Juniors
10.30pm - Lights Out Seniors
Who leads at Sports Plus?
Each camp will be run by a team of leaders made up of Christians in Sport staff and volunteers. All leaders will undergo an application process, personal references, and criminal record checks before being accepted on the team. They will also complete safeguarding training provided by Christians in Sport.
Do I need to take out insurance to cover the young person at Sports Plus?
Christians in Sport is covered by Public Liability Insurance (£5m). However, you may also wish to take out individual sports insurance or holiday insurance.
Does the young person need to bring any extra money to Sports Plus?
Young people do not need to bring any additional money to Sports Plus. We run a cashless bank for the tuckshop and purchasing merchandise, resources or books. Parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to upload money onto their child's account prior to the start of Sports Plus for them to spend during the week.
In this section
Christians in Sport is a UK based charity that aims to reach the world of sport for Christ. We mainly work with sportspeople in competitive and elite sport.
Registered Charity England and Wales 1086570.
Registered Charity Scotland SCO45299.
Company number: 4146081
Photos (c) Shutterstock unless specified
Unit D1, Frampton House
Telford Road Industrial Estate
Bicester, OX26 4LD
01869 255630